Here are 5 cool, science-related fun things to know. Instead of doom-scrolling, let’s go sci-scrolling!
1. Have you noticed that rockets exhibit a counter-intuitive trait of flying up in a way that can point down?
2. Why fractals are so incredible – packing surface area into the most efficient space – and why we see it all over nature.
3. Here is a 20 minute primer on the most fundamental rules of physics – thermodynamics and entropy. This video brings these vastly complex topics down to scale. It showcases what an interesting place we live in the vast universe:
4. However, just when you think you understand the universe, here comes Alexia Lopez who this year discovered two mega structures that break our understanding of the universe itself. These structures (the Giant Arc and the Great Ring) take the already mind-blowing scale of the observable universe to an unexpected, much larger scale.
5. Lets end this month’s Sci-Scrolling on a topic that is infinitely smaller than the last two, the parallax effect used in some crazy art has always fascinated me. Probably because it sits in a place between traditional art and math/computer science (aka, my jam). Good intro to the topic: